Dramatic Education, your before- and after-school provider!

Dramatic Education Program is Here!
Dramatic Education Logo

Dramatic Education is at FWES!

  Dramatic Education is excited to be our school's before and after-school provider for the 2023-2024 school year. Dramatic Education is an educational arts company with over 17-years of academic arts programming. They provide a safe, nurturing, enriching, and educational environment for students daily. Students will stretch their creative muscles and strengthen their developmental skills. The program is available on days school is in session, Monday through Friday.


Morning: Starting at 6:45am 
Afternoon: Dismissal through 6:00pm


Registration - $14/annually
Mornings Only - $32.80/week
Afternoons Only - $52.80/week
Both Mornings and Afternoons - $62.80/week

Contact Information:

Phone: (407) 494-1744
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.DramaticEducation.com

2023-2024 Dramatic Education Information Flyer

Click to Register!


Please click the following links for more information about Dramatic Education:

https://youtu.be/7ekCO-66hks - English version

https://youtu.be/PjA2vUj0TVs - Spanish version