School Counselor Corner

School Counselor's Corner

Hello Forsyth Woods Elementary School Families, I am Ms. Sabbides, the School Counselor at Forsyth Woods Elementary School :) 

Did You Know?

"1 in 6 U.S. children between the ages of 6 and 17 has a treatable mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, etc.*" and "half of all psychiatric illness occurs before the age of 14.*" However, "nearly half of children with mental health disorders are not receiving counseling or treatment from a mental health professional.*"

"In spite of the magnitude of the problem, lack of awareness and entrenched stigma keep the majority of these young people from getting help. Children and adolescents with psychiatric illness are at risk for academic failure, substance abuse, and a clash with the juvenile justice system — all of which come at a tremendous cost to them, their families, and the community.*"

Let's work together to support your child's personal, social, emotional, academic, and mental health needs. The sooner professional mental health/behavioral services start with your child/children in need of those services, the better for their personal, social, emotional, academic, and mental health development. If your child is in need of mental health/behavioral professional services, Ms. Sabbides, the School Counselor, could connect you with a professional agency to support the mental health/behavioral needs of your child/children.

If you would like more information about counseling referrals for students, please email Ms. Sabbides, the School Counselor at Forsyth Woods Elementary School, at [email protected] 

1st * & 3rd *)
2nd * & 4th *)

Click on the underlined links below to access that site for support/information for you and your family:

OCPS McKinney-Vento Program (MVP) Support Survey for Families that are Homeless
This is a survey that families that are experiencing homelessness could complete and submit to be connected with the support services of the OCPS McKinney-Vento Program (MVP).

Child Mind Institute
This is a website that has various resources for teachers and families about COVID-19 and mental health. This website has the option of being translated into Spanish.