Meet Your Parent Engagement Liaison (PEL)
Forsyth Woods Elementary School's Parent Engagement Liaison is Ms. Quinones :) the Parent Engagement Liaison supports the parents/guardians and families of our school. The Parent Engagement Liaison is the link between teachers, students, and parents/families. The Parent Engagement Liaison invites you to the many academic and non-academic parent/guardian workshops during the school year and encourages you to become an ADDitions school volunteer. The Parent Engagement Liaison also encourages you to be part of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at our school and to participate in the activities that we provide for you and our community.
You can contact our Parent Engagement Liaison to learn more about how she could support your family at:
[email protected]
Please click the following links to access our 2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement Plan to see how Forsyth Woods Elementary School engages our parents and families:
English Translation: 2024-2025 FWES Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Spanish Translation: 2024-2025 FWES Parent and Family Engagement Plan